On the morning of Max's rescheduled birthday party, we worked to put the final touches on the party.
Many details had already been completed last weekend.
Max was so excited. Here he is finding the paper lanterns before they were hung on the pergola.

And discovering the streamers we'd set up for pictures.

Sesame Street party was "sponsored" by the letter
M and the number
2, so two choices were available in most cases. Below are shots of the table before it was filled with food. In the polka dotted bowl are packages of goldfish in honor of Elmo's pet fish Dorothy.

We made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread and wheat.

We set out vanilla and chocolate cupcakes.

Max supervised and made necessary adjustments.

We prepared the games.

Then the phone rang. The bug we'd had the week before had spread. So, due to illness and scheduling conflicts, we had 12 in attendance, instead of 27. But Max didn't know any better. Although Garrett and I missed all of the loved ones who couldn't attend the second scheduled party, we had a great time.
The guests arrived wearing colors representing their favorite
Sesame Street characters. You can imagine how thrilled Max was when he saw my parents!

My grandmother still knows how to party.

Ange and I have been friends for 24 years. I'm so glad we're both back in Oklahoma so that we can spend days like this together. I hadn't seen her mom in several years, and it was a fun reunion with all the munchkins.

The little ones played a game where they found a duck with an
M or a
2 on it.

The kids--old and young--made monsters. The cans once contained Gerber snacks, but my friend Coleen and I covered them in felt. She also gave me extra fiber (that she'd dyed with Kool-Aid!) from the supply she sells.
Check her out.

I was impressed with their creativity. Kailee immediately grabbed some "fur" and placed eyeballs on it.

Then she decided she was going to have a monster inside of a monster and stuffed it inside the container where she made another monster. She was very hard at work.

Here's Papa helping Max with his.

The kids proudly showed off their monsters.

Here is Max's monster.

We opened presents.

Max received many thoughtful gifts--what gift isn't?--and he loved them all.

From us, he received his first tricycle, but he called it his "bike." His father was so proud.

Max had been practicing for the big candle ceremony and blew it out by himself.

Unlike last year, he dug right into his cake, leaving it a wasteland of ooey goodness.

I loved watching the kids play,

and run,

and run,

and blow (fight over) bubbles,

and hide in the castle,

and drink Elmo juice,

and eat ice cream,

and have fun.

It was exhausting.

Everyone went home with something. The adults had cookies from Cookie's Monster's stash and M&Ms.

The kids had
Sesame Street books, coloring books, monster stickers, and silly bandz (numbers). The little ones received balls instead of silly bandz. (Max chewed on one, so I figured it was probably a bad idea.)

I loved that the kids had a great time. Max talked about his "fwenz" for days. Plus, I knew it was a success when Ange told me her niece Errin had said that even though Max is "a little kid, he sure knows how to throw a party."