Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Boogie Days

"Oh my gosh." I looked around the waiting room for a tissue. "Is that a booger on your finger?"

Indignant, Max said, "It's not." He cocked his head and grinned. Then he repeated the words to sound like it's snot.

I peer closer to study his finger. We'd had days of fever so, when you add the sleep deprivation, it makes perfect and complete sense I was concerned he'd developed a growth. "What is it then?" I wondered aloud.

He happily thrust his finger into my face. "It's a dried booger!"


My warning that nose goblins would bite off his fingers didn't work. Once he realized he kept all his fingers, he decided those nose goblins were dumb.  So...

How do you keep your kids' fingers out of their noses?


  1. Every parent on the planet has dealt with this.I don't think there is a solution short of cutting off their fingers--and I'm not suggesting that you do that.
    (I'm still laughing at the image in my brain of you inspecting Max's finger.)

    1. If you're laughing, then you are imagining it about right!

      I just realized Max will probably hate me in about ten years for sharing information like this.

  2. You don't. You just hope they don't put one in each nostril at the same time.

    1. I read this as "foot in each nostril."

      Probably because the other day I overheard my mother tell him, "Get your toe out of your nose!"

  3. What is it with kids and boogers? At least Max is keeping them to himself. Aubrey wiped one of her boogers on the back of my jeans the other day when I was trying to finish making dinner. She thought it was instantly hilarious: "Mommy has a boogie-bum! HAHAHAHA!" Uh, not so funny to me.

    But, hey -- that's why we have blogs. We get to showcase all their booger-y moments. One day we'll see who's really laughing... Muhahahaha! ;)

    1. I'm astonished beautiful Lady Aubrey performed the Pick and Wipe!

      Yes, we shall have the last laugh...until they get on social media.

  4. Boys and buggers, it's a facination thing.
    Don't worry, don't make a big deal out of it, without commenting, just remove their fingers if in public.
    At home, let them pick! Gross I know, but it's not worth the energy it requires to be vigilant about.
    My (G-babe) Max had his big toe in his mouth the other night. We just laughed.

    1. It's sooo gross. My brother, the elementary teacher, said, "Don't be 'that' kid." As his mom, I desperately don't want him to be THAT kid! I'll try the subtle approach from now on. We'll see if it works.
