Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Favorite: It's in the eye of the beholder

Me: (wiping at a smudge) What on earth is this yucky gunk on your face?
Alexandra: (batting her eyes) It's a beauty mark.
Placing sprinkles on bananas and peanut butter

She sleeps in a tiara, wears a tutu with sweatpants, and fights with her brother over whether her imaginary jewelry makes rainbows or not.

Perspective is a magical thing.  If one looks from the wrong angle, life can be pretty dirty and ugly. I want to borrow my daughter's viewpoint. Maybe she wears a lot of bandaids because she gets scraped up along the way, but she embraces her pretty bandages as accessories. If she can turn a chocolate covered scrape under her eye into a beauty mark, then what else can transform with the right attitude?


  1. She is going to do amazing things. Your kids have an amazing perspective from the creativity and self-confidence you've given them. Thanks for the wonderful story.

  2. From the mouth of babes. Isn't it amazing seeing the world through their eyes when we take the time to slow down?

    1. It certainly is. Slowing down is the hard part. There's an old Alabama song that comes to me sometimes and helps me remember: Here's the You Tube link:

  3. Love, love, love it. The world needs more Alexandras.

    1. Perhaps. My guess is that the world might not be prepared for this one. Look out!

  4. You don't have to borrow your daughter's viewpoint, Brandi - I've seen you in action in other venues and I have no doubt you had a part in instilling such creativity and optimism. Please tell the children that Alexandra is right on this one - imaginary jewelry does indeed create rainbows!

    1. Aw! Thanks, Shel. Apparently, imaginary jewelry shoots laser beams, too. Might be useful.

  5. Brandi, you have the TRUE heart of a mother.
